Sunday, 14 March 2010


What if the world paid attention before it was too late?

What if we start to fight injustice and raise awareness of social issues using the arts? What about taking arts back from pure commoditisation to their political and social purposes?
These are the questions and aims of the Artivist Collective, an American born group of concerned global citizens which combines visual arts and activism in the belief that the arts can change the world. It may sound overwhelming or the dream of a bunch of old-fashioned hippies, but it is a real project, which has taken concrete forms like the Artivist Film Festival.

Showcased in London at the Shawn Theatre, the festival was an international occasion to raise public awareness of human and animal rights and ecological issues and it truly represents an invaluable chance to watch independent films, meet socially conscious artists, have your say and shed some light on the hottest issues of our contemporary world.
Since its first iteration in 2004, the festival has travelled all around the world, representing over 45 countries, reaching and connecting millions of people.