Monday, 19 October 2009


Whatever you do, it is passion that makes the difference. This is the birthday cake for my sweetheart and hey, for a special person a special cake! I could not just buy one, love is priceless and (this is an old grandma advice) to hold a man tight be a good lover in bed and a great cooker in the kitchen. If she says that, after 40 years of happy marriage, well I believe it.

3 medium eggs
100g of sugar
80g of butter
150g of plain flour
Half a glass of milk
Half a teaspoon of vanilla essence
Crashed pinenuts
2 teaspoons of baking powder

Preheat the oven to 180C. Beat the yolks with sugar, mix with flour, baking powder, vanilla and milk. In a separate bowl beat the egg white until fluffy and gently incorporate to the rest. At the end add the baking powder. Bake at 180C for about 30 minutes, until a wooden pick inserted in centre comes out clean.

Sunday, 11 October 2009

Autumn Apple Pie

Back to big city life. Summer holidays are already a sweet memory of juicy fruits and fresh red tomatoes ripen in the Mediterranean sun in my grandpa’s garden. Winter is approaching, I can feel the nipping breeze blowing from the northern lands. An apple pie is the ideal treat for these gloomy days in between summer and cold season. Apple pie is easy to make and cheap but it is great in taste. It is necessary just some apples and half an hour to spare. Add some spices, honey and pine nuts to give it an original twist…just like in love affairs, the special ingredient in the kitchen is fantasy. The scent of hot apple baking in the oven warms up also the coldest day.

3 juicy apples
200 gr. plain flour
150 gr. sugar
2 eggs
2 teaspoon of baking powder
100 gr. of butter
200 ml. milk
A pinch of salt
2 teaspoons of honey
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
Some crushed pine nuts

Preheat the oven to 180 C.Mix eggs and sugar together, making a soft yellow cream.
Sift the flour and all the other ingredients together until obtaining a soft mixture. Finally incorporate the crumbled apples. Spoon the mixture into a cake tin and bake for 35 minutes

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Chocolate and banana muffins

Monday afternoon. It is pouring out there and the sky seems like a concrete wall, grey and impenetrable. I do feel so down when the weather is bad but wondering around still with slippers and pyjama doesn’t help. I call on Eleni, she lives not far from me somewhere in North London. This recipe comes from our girlish afternoon, spent making banana muffins and listening to Calypso music. A bit of sugar and Harry Belafonte are the ingredients not to die of boredom in a miserable autumn day in London.
So tasty and easy to make that it is not necessary to be a pastry chef to do it. Eat them warm with a cup of tea. Delicious! Day-oh, day-oh!

250 g plain flour
75 g porridge oats
3 eggs
175 g caster sugar
250 ml oil
A pinch of salt
2 bananas
Dark chocolate buttons

Preheat the oven to 180 C.
Sift the flour, oats and baking powder together. In a separate bowl beat the eggs, sugar, oil and salt together until pale and fluffy.
Fold this mixture, bananas and chocolate buttons into the flour
Spoon the mixture into muffin tins and bake for 15/20 minutes