Wednesday, 4 November 2009


This dish has the merits to be easy to make, cheap to buy and it makes quite an impression. Not to mention that is low in calories but at the same time very filling and tasty. I see it as an autumn classic for a quick dinner, after a long working day. If you are lucky enough to live in the countryside you can pick up your own mushrooms (make sure from an expert that are the edible ones) otherwise look for the next Tesco. I know, it does not sound right, but hey, where can I find mushrooms at this time of the night! Anyway, the better the mushrooms the better the final result.

250 g. Mushrooms
250 g. Green (spinach) Tagliatelle
Olive oil
Concentrated tomato puree
White wine

Stir fry the mushrooms with a clove of garlic. When they are almost ready add some parsley, the tomato sauce and a bit of white wine. Leave it dry for few more minutes but do not let dry too much. Bring to the boil a large pot of water, salt it with coarse salt, wait for few minutes and then add the tagliatelle. When ready drain it, add to the mushrooms and add some olive oil. Serve immediately. Enjoy!
If you want you can add some pine nuts. They add more calories, but they are healthy and strengthen the taste.


Anonymous said...

mmmmmm delicious

le ricette del glutine scomparso said...

Hello and a pleasure to meet you and lostesso like me read your blog ...
congratulations for your noodles are delicious :o)

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